Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Solipsism & Adoption

"The children had stones already."
-The Lottery

I am in the middle of gathering materials together to send to New Blood Entertainment, a Canadian based distribution company. They showed interest in acquiring the non exclusive rights to "Cannibal Cheerleader Camp." They seem to think that they can make a few bucks from it and I was flattered so I agreed to sign the deal. Myself and the actresses involved worked on "Cannibal" for 3 days almost 2 years ago. Then I spent scattered days and weeks over the next year, editing the picture, finding the right composer, designing artwork, creating sound effects, and reshooting the tiniest little bits that nobody but myself noticed were imperfect. The finished product received some very glowing reviews and one extremely negative. The film was probably somewhere in between. We held a handful of small screenings that were all pretty awful and it failed to beat even mediocre competition at a pathetic local film festival. Truthfully, I never wanted the sceenings to be well attended and I didn't even go to the festival because I never thought the film was very good. It's not the sort of thing that a 25 year old should be laboring over. I'm grateful for the reviewers that genuinely got a kick out of it. They took the time to give well deserved ink to the girls and their hard work. The audiences were polite at best. But to try and flog something so inconsequential made me feel like a teenage girl stuffing her training bra. The whole thing is embarrasing and I'm glad it's someone else's problem now.

Watched: Le Dernier Métro

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